Color vs. Personality at our WILD SEPTEMBERFEST
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WILDDESIGN believes that creativity is born in the meeting between people and their personalities. After of running a successful business in Shanghai for 7 years with a team made up of a huge range of nationalities and backgrounds, we’ve been lucky to experience a rich spectrum of personalities. We believe that is the key to our success in developing user-centered, holistic and creative design solutions.
With autumn approaching we therefore took the opportunity to gather even more people and personalities within our client and friend network for a fun and creative SeptemberFest evening.
The SeptemberFest also marked the debut of our new CI, which has been taking form this year. It sees our former WILD grass transformed into The Green Spectrum, with 5 colors representing 5 different personality categories:

- APPLE GREEN – For daring people, risk takers and “youngsters” at age or at heart.
- TEA GREEN – For mischievous, expressive and above all artful people.
- GRASS GREEN – For life embracers and inventors who go all in.
- EMERALD GREEN – For the mile-a-minute, “all over the place” types.
- FOREST GREEN – For deep thinkers and lovers of solitary reflection.
To make our WILD party more interesting (and, frankly, more wild), and because we love to do consumer insight and ethnological research, we couldn’t help ourselves and involved our guests in our little research project.
By the venue entrance, everyone got Polaroids taken and were then asked to stick the photos on The Green Spectrum wall and attach the pictures to the green shade that they identified with the most. After all the guests had their WILD photos on the wall, we explained how every color represents a personality type. It was interesting for us, and most importantly for our guests, to check if their color preference matched their personality type. Does Tea Greenlike to hang out with Emerald Green, and would they get along with the Forest Greens? Is it a coincidence that a lot of our guests chose to stay close to the “young and daring” table? Our view of and preference for colors say a lot about who we are and how we perceive things.

When we added up all the results of our color survey at the end of the night, we found some interesting results! The most popular choices (at 27% each) were Apple Green and Grass Green, both of which suggest a certain intestinal fortitude and willingness to take risks – qualities design professionals the world over tend to share. The least popular choices (13%) were Forest Green and Tea Green, which connote a more slow-paced, contemplative personality.

Perhaps the friends and clients WILDDESIGN attracts lean more towards the youthful, risk-taking, reckless type? After all, we do enjoy playing by no one’s rules but our own! However, there is something to be said for designers that think more deeply and artfully; they may have been well-represented at SeptemberFest but were simply reluctant to describe themselves as such. Regardless, with relatively even percentages across the board, it’s clear that WILDDESIGN attracts a diverse range of characters and personalities, and that’s a big part of what helps us stay on the cutting edge of the design industry.
If you’d like to stay up to date with the latest in what’s happening with WILDDESIGN and the design industry, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn.
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