Taking the Stairs for Fire Safety
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We’ve won a nice handful of awards in our time in Shanghai – an iF award here, a red dot award there – but they’re really just preludes to the award we’ve had our eyes on all year now: the 3rd Annual Stair Climbing Championship Race, hosted every year in our office building, the Jing An Modern Industry Tower.
Every year, the building’s various tenants get together to raise awareness of fire safety by racing up and down the building’s 8 floors. This year they had to carry and use fire extinguishers at the finish! No easy feat, to be sure, because WILDDESIGN finished first in 2011 and we have a reputation to uphold.
This year, our designer Jon handled the up portion of the race, while designers Wei and Joseph took care of the down portion. Unfortunately, we couldn’t capture the glory of WILDDESIGN past, and we hustled to a third-place finish in this year’s race. Everyone had fun, though, and we all learned a bit about fire safety and got 300rmb (and a sweet cardio workout) for our efforts!
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