The secret of the WILDDESIGN-grass
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15 years ago, we began to identify ourselves and our company with grass. During the years, many different pictures were taken but the grass stayed as our key visual. You want to know why?
It’s time to disclose the secret:
Picture a world without grass!
Grass is everywhere on the globe.
Grass is a natural but at the same time a cultural achievement.
Grass is fresh, grass is green – it is a symbol for hope, health and wealth.
Grass is allways a youngtimer – it simply doesn’t get old.
Grass is 100% self-evident – grass is 100% functional.
Grass is simple, grass is strong.
Grass is constantly growing, but has to be cut down, cultivated frequently.
Imagine a sunny day in the park, a wide empty area of grass in front of you – you are a child and immediately you begin to run…
Grass connects to our inner child.
Grass stands for family, a sunny summer day and a cozy picknick.
Grass is unagitated and relaxed and gives you a pure slowdown.
Grass is really “down to earth” but it is a natural ground for bopping around.
Grass is not fancy, not at all – but you are able to do fancy things on grass.
Grass is the perfect base, it enables play, it drives fun and creativity.
Grass is the precondition for the Champions Leage.
WILDDESIGN is not the wild crazy type of vegetation, we are providing a ground cover for creativity…
And we need both, the greenkeepers and the performing artists.
For us, grass is the universal symbol of a desirable future per se, healthy living in the cities and an overall peaceful and sustainable vision.
This is our KISS: keep it simple, keep it short!
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